sabato 19 giugno 2010

Una spiegazione...just for sorting things out...

Maybe my point of view is changing, but I put here some explanation/item about what I'm doing:

it's not a challenge
it's not a vacation
the duration is not defined
I'm just trying to satisfy my curiosity

Eh yes, because I'm curious about myself, people around me and places I've never seen.

I chose France because, as my first try, I desired a "safe" place: more or less I understand the local language, culture and the social organization, so it's easier to find/ask what I need.

It's not a usual vacation because I don't have just 2 weeks for visiting places, trying new experiences and other. So I can decide every day the rhythm I want to keep.

Just imagine to be free of every constraint: what would you do?

I'd really like to know your answers/point of views, seriously


3 commenti:

  1. Bastardoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........

    it's a vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't say bullshit....

  2. Dare riposte, mannaggiallebretoni!
